
When you buy a new build property, the developers often include 'snagging' as part of their service. This means that any bits and pieces that need fixing or tidying up, they'll come back and sort out for you.

If you're selling your home, it's worth trying to look around it with a fresh pair of eyes to spot any areas that you could snag.

These little details can make a big difference.

Are the carpets looking a bit tatty in heavy-use areas, like the hallway? Buy a new carpet, it doesn't have to be high quality but it will make a much better impression. Depending on the size of the area, you could be looking at just £300 to make it like new.

Are there settlement cracks (no wider than a pound coin, otherwise you might need someone professional to check it)? Plaster and paint over them so they aren't misconstrued as signs of something more serious.

Is the grout between tiling in the bathroom or kitchen discoloured or missing? It doesn't cost much in time or money to freshen this up and change the look entirely.

Missing handles, stiff doors, broken locks, discoloured paint - all these things fixed make your home look cared for.

If potential buyers can walk in and not see lists of things they'd need to fix, they're more likely to pay a premium price.

If you need another pair of eyes to see if there are any snagging issues you've not spotted, just get in touch. Call me on 07896781054 or send me a quick email at marcus@finehomesproperty.co.uk