
You see the person of your dreams. They look great, tidy, and stylish. You get closer to catch their eye.

And then you're hit by the smell.

All of a sudden, you're just not that interested in chatting to them anymore.

This is the same when you're selling your property.

You've spruced up the outside. You've decluttered and depersonalised inside. Great work but those deal with solely, albeit important, visuals. One thing that can be easy to forget is how our homes smell to people coming in for the first time.

The old advice used to be bake bread and brew coffee. This isn't wrong but it's also a bit tricky to coordinate.

Here are some other suggestions:

Fresh bedding

This is especially a good idea in teen bedrooms but is worth considering in all rooms. It's subtle but can make a big difference. Even more important is to make sure pet beds are washed. We can become immune to the scent of our furry loved ones but it's not to everyone's taste.

Pet paraphenalia

Other pet points to consider are the little presents they leave. Make sure gardens are clear of anything that can be stepped in. Within the house, on a similar theme, clean bird cages and kitty litter trays. 
With the rainy, mud-making weather, soggy blankets or towels can be left hanging around. Quickly throw them in the machine, just to hide them and contain the smell if you've not had time to wash them.

Fresh flowers

A couple of vases of fresh flowers in key rooms gives properties a "well cared for" feel, as well as a gentle, fresh smell. And they look lovely too.

Open windows

It's tricky when it's chilly but throwing open the windows before a viewing helps blast out stale air. It's also worth leaving one window open a smidge at one end of the house and another at the other end. This creates airflow that can help with odours and condensation.

Scented candles

Lighting candles before a viewing can leave a scent in the air that isn't overpowering. This means that even if it's a smell that isn't to the taste of the viewers, it won't be off-putting. 
Incense can be a scent that is simply too strong for many so is best avoided.

Furniture polish

The smell of polish implies cleanliness and care for the property. If you're in a mad rush, just spray a bit on radiators and the smell will permeate through your rooms.

Easy Fixes

Other easy ideas are:

•    empty the bins
•    empty the food caddy
•    only smoke tobacco outside.

If you're not sure which suggestions would work best for your property, give me a call and I can pop round. Sometimes a new nose can help identify the best options. I'm here to help. Call me on 01525 261100.