
Choosing an estate agent to sell your property can seem like a difficult task. There are so many available and of course, they all say that they are the best around! What should you consider when choosing which one to trust with selling your property?

Local knowledge

You wouldn’t jump in a taxi with a driver who didn’t know the local area, or at least you’d jump back out again quite quickly! You also shouldn’t trust your property to an estate agent who doesn’t understand the local market or who doesn’t know the area well. Great estate agents know their community and already have a well-established database of potential buyers that they can use to make sure that your property is seen as quickly as possible by as many people as possible.


Newspapers, magazines and other forms of printed media should definitely form a part of the marketing plan for your property. However, estate agents who only use these and haven’t embraced the benefits of online marketing, including social media, their own website and online property portals, will be putting you at a disadvantage when selling your property. This is because 78% of buyers begin their property search online so you need an estate agent who knows how to make sure your property is seen by them.


When selling a property, you need an estate agent who will be honest with you, especially in the current market. Beware of agents who inflate their suggested asking price for your property with the expectation that they will drop it in a few weeks once you are tied into a contract with them. An honest estate agent will not hesitate to point out areas of your property that you could improve in order to increase your chances of a sale and are candid about things that should be taken into account when setting the asking price.

Communication, communication, communication

The estate agent that you choose will not only be the go between for you and your buyer but will also be your source of information concerning how viewings went and on the feedback from viewers. Choosing an agent who is a good and friendly communicator will make the whole process of selling your property much easier.

Works for you

It is your property. While a good estate agent will be able to give you advice concerning your property, a great estate agent will be able to tailor their advice based on your needs and wants because they will listen to them. Selling a property isn’t a one size fits all experience, so you need an estate agent who is willing to listen and adapt to your needs.

If you are thinking of selling your home in Leighton Buzzard then please give me a call on 01525 261100 and I will be delighted to chat to you about the reasons I believe that I fulfil all of those criteria.